ANHWP has always felt a strong tie to the communities of the homes we protect, which is why we are continuously looking for ways to partner and walk alongside groups doing important work. This past month our second annual Rolling Revelry Lawn Bowling event took place and was a huge success with our team and Builder Members coming together to raise a whopping $10,000 for the Inn from the Cold organization and another $10,000 for Edmonton’s Homeward Trust.

Why Inn from the Cold:

Inn from the Cold has been a cornerstone in Calgary’s community since 1997, starting with a small group of caring Calgarians who were determined to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness. In the last few years, Calgary, like much of Canada has seen a rapid increase in the cost of living, including rising rental rates and housing costs. Many families live paycheck to paycheck, and any unexpected expenses or changes in circumstances, such as job loss, illness, or domestic violence, can lead to housing instability and homelessness. Inn from the Cold steps in to provide a comprehensive array of programs along the housing continuum to meet families at their current housing stage and offer tailored support and case management to address their individual needs and set them up for long-term success.

It’s been a tough few months for my family where it has felt that everything that could have gone wrong has. I am not sure where we would be without Inn from the Cold today and I am so thankful to have had you guys in my corner. Thank you for helping us get back on our feet and helping us find a new home. I am confident that things will only go up from here and that’s all because of you.”

-Former Inn from the Cold Client

Supporting communities: it’s who we are

After the lawn bowling festivities wrapped up, the teams headed to Ol’ Beautiful, a local Calgary brewery known for its welcoming spirit, for a well-earned celebratory drink. Unfortunately, just weeks later, the brewery experienced a fire and was forced to shut down. This tragic situation opened up an opportunity to give back to a company that has given so much to their community and allowed us here at ANHWP to support this giving group with a small donation to help support their front-line staff. Together, through events like our lawn bowling fundraiser, we not only strengthen our bonds within the community but also reaffirm our commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

With the ever-increasing need in Calgary, Inn from the Cold is always looking for charitable donors, whether that be through money, food, personal care essentials or time spent volunteering.

We encourage everyone to check out this link to learn more about the ways you can support these integral community organizations. For more information on other meaningful charities, check out our charity spotlights here.

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